
10 Oldest Objects Ever Found | The Oldest Man Made Objects

2018-05-31 17 Dailymotion

Heres a list of Top 10 worlds Most oldest and strange Man Made objects ever found or discovered —from an ancient leather shoe to the oldest Sex Toy. \r
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►Music : \r
Fretless \r
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)\r
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License\r
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► List Include -\r
●S** Toy\r
For thousands of years, phallic objects have been used symbolically as a means to boost fertility and ward off evil spirits - but their use as s**ual aids has a long history, too. In 2005, German scientists discovered one of the worlds oldest sculpted phalluses - 20cm of polished siltstone lovingly created around 28,000 years ago. \r
●Chewing Gum\r
In 2007, a 5,000-year-old piece of chewing gum, the oldest ever discovered, was found by a British archaeology student in Finland. The Neolithic gum, made from birch bark tar, had tooth prints in it.\r
In new the oldest known map was discovered carved on a hand-sized sandstone rock. The small rock with etchings of mountains, rivers and even animals was found in a cave called Abauntz Lamizulo in the Navarre region of Northern Spain, an area in the middle of the Basque country. \r
The Altamura Man became the oldest Neanderthal to have his DNA extred by researchers. About 150,000 years ago, a Neanderthal man fell into a well in what is now southern Italy. \r
I thought that my ex-girlfriend owned the worlds oldest trousers. But now it appears that an even older pair of trousers—some 3,300 years older—has come to light.\r
●Leather Shoe\r
It is astonishing how much this shoe resembles a modern shoe! said a famous designer. Stuffed with grass, perhaps as an insulator or an early shoe tree, the 5,500-year-old moccasin-like shoe was found exceptionally well preserved—thanks to a surfeit of sheep dung—during a new dig in an Armenian cave. \r
●Artificial Eyeball\r
According to a 2006 report, Iranian archaeologists in Burnt City announced the unprecedented discovery of an artificial eyeball, dated to 4,800 years ago, in this historic site. \r
●Prosthetic Toe\r
A false toe buried with a mummy 3000 years ago is thought to be the oldest discovered prosthetic device and has passed a test to see whether it could have been used as an aid for walking. \r
●Complaint letter \r
The oldest known complaint letter goes back 3750 years. The letter, inscribed on an ancient clay tablet and dating from 1750 B.C., corresponds to the period of Old Babylon. \r
●Alien Skull